Advanced Studies Student wins Young Photographer Award from be-Art magazine


Andrea Abrego is the inaugural winner of the YPA (Young Photographer Award), which recognizes an exemplary portfolio produced by an Advanced Studies Photography student from Venice Arts.

Initiated and organized by Art Critic and be-Art magazine Publisher Beatrice Chassepot, the awardee was chosen by a prestigious jury that included Gallerist Isabelle Mesnil, Photojournalist Barbara Davidson, Photographer Ken Gonzales-Day, and Photographer Sandrine Hermand-Grisel. As part of the prize, one of Andrea’s photographs will be chosen by Mesnil, Judge & Owner of NextLevel Galerie, to be exhibited in a group show in the gallery in Paris, France. The winning portfolio can also be seen online on be-Art magazine and, and will become part of be-Art’s “Emerging Artist” selection.

You can see Andrea's winning portfolio book, Embracing Herself here.

Congratulations, Andrea! And a big thank you to the jury and to Beatrice for spearheading this initiative, and a special thanks to Luis de Jesus, Owner of Luis de Jesus Los Angeles Gallery, and Aline Smithson, LENSCRATCH.


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