Advanced Studies Students Shine at photo l.a. 2016


For the third year in a row, Venice Arts had a booth at the International Los Angeles Photographic Art Exposition photo l.a., which took place January 21-24, showcasing new work by our Advanced Studies photography students.

This invaluable experience gives our Advanced Studies students the chance to make professional connections with artists, collectors, and gallerists, as well as see their work in the larger context of contemporary photography. This is just one of the many ways that we develop young artists, exposing students to a myriad of creative and professional opportunities in the arts.

This year, Venice Arts is proud to be represented by:
Andrea Abrego | Melissa Alvarez | Rickie Bautista | Silvia Curiel | Jane Estrada | Lorraine Gutierrez | Jarod Mendoza
Rocio Padilla | Ashley Sanchez | Mark Tomilin


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