We've Got Talent: Students Share Work at Open Mic/Open Projector


Venice Arts' Overpriced Popcorn Productions, made up of seven of our student leaders, hosted their second event: Open Mic/Open Projector. Students, families, and friends joined us for a night of performances and short films by youth ages 0–19.

We saw Kelly play violin, Carson and Rise play guitar, Tal play ukulele, Jenson breakdance, and Kashi and Khayman show off their martial arts skills. After the Open Mic, we watched a curated screening of youth-produced short animations, films, and trailers. And of course, we all shared not-so overpriced popcorn.

Keep an eye on Overpriced Popcorn's next youth events!


Venice Arts' 6th Annual Speakeasy at the Townhouse


Advanced Studies Students Shine at photo l.a. 2016